why is it important to aim high to success

Welcome to Daily_writes , 


Today we are going to talk about  'AIM'. 

You are very familiar with this word. Most of you are aiming to pursue your life.


Many of us want to be an Entrepreneur, scientists,actor, medical professional, Engineer, Leader, writer, singer, musician, magician, comedian etc.


But on the other hand there are also such people who don't have any 'aim' in their life. Sometimes because of their situations and sometimes it's because of their laziness and carelessness. 

Such people are totally unaware of what they want from life,What they want to do, why they are living, what is the reason behind their living, why they are born. 

There are so many questions to ask. Sadly they don't know the answer. They are also aware from this context of the question that they are still living aimlessly. 


Here you have to understand the concept Ingrained. 

It's just a matter of common sense to understand 'why aim is important in our life'

Have you ever seen a person who is not having a vision in life? 

Maybe yes. 

But accordingly you have also seen a person who is visionary. Right? See when I use the word  'a visionary person' , do you have any picture in your eyes? 

This picture can be any person like whom you idolize. Whole and sole did you know the person who is having visionary thoughts, aims to achieve, wants to be a successful person, and lives a luxurious life? 

Everyone want 

But here you should make a difference between what you want from your life and what you want to do in your life. You also have to understand the difference. 

Who is having aim will definitely work on it. Having aim is necessary to survive in the world. 

We have to find our reason for living, we are not born to be mediocre. You know what, most of the people are just only thinking about it, they are not working on it. Might be in future they will also do the same. 

This is the biggest reason why this world has few successful people. The best virtue of the successful people is, ' they have aim. They work on it' 

Without aim you are useless. You are just good for nothing. In this aimless life you eventually get regrets and disappointment. 

So Now the biggest question is, 

How to identify aim of your life. 

This is a big question for those who are living Aimless life. I will give you a tip to identify your passion. 

Here are instructions 👇

  • Take a pen and paper.   
  • Start writing your penchant topics. 

When your list is ready choose any one field, where you can show your utmost potential

Start working on it. 

Make a plan to Achieve your selected goal. Analyze obstacles that could become in your way. Try to find the right solution to fix the problems you feel on your way. 

Nascent you have to feel some difficulties later you will understand the insights. 

Keep your aim high

Keeping your aim high will give you a confidence in life. Obviously you will face some bad phases during the journey of success but don't quit. Never stop trying , work on the things which are not accurate so you have to settle all of the missing puzzles. Keep moving forward. 

When goals are high our efforts should be doubled. 

Don't announce your goals, don't give them unnecessary shouts until they are achieved. 

Your success will be your biggest reward. 

One day you will be proud of yourself. You will become an inspiration for others.A successful person identifies his own skills and uses them to achieve goals. It's important to have a goal in life.

Without aim, without dreams there is no fun in living. There is no feeling like living, everyone must have their reason for living. A world of your is beautiful procrastination. A world of your dreams is the most comfortable place to live. 

It's very simple, everyone wants a successful life. We have to focus on it, we have to work on it. 

But work on what? 

Your  'what' will create your  'AIM'.

I hope you will understand the importance of AIM in life. 

Also See  benefits of having gratitude

#aim #motivation 
I hope you enjoyed this article. I would love to hear your thoughts and insight on this topic in the comment section below.plese give us your feedback, your feedback is important for me 

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