This New year can be fresh start for everyone

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It's a new article here I am talking about  This New year can be fresh start for everyone In this articleI am going to illustrate that point for you all. So here you can read about This New year can be fresh start for everyone Please read it and if you like it so please comment your views on the comment box   

This New year can be fresh start for everyone 

This New year can be fresh start for everyone

A very Happy New Year to all my readers. After saying bye bye to the old year. We all are entered in the new year. 

I hope this year will bring you happiness and love what you deserve. 

It's the first day of the year and some of us will follow a resolution they made for themselves. Some of us are entering with some lessons and fruitful experiences. 

In the initial days of every year people promise to themselves that they will adopt changes in order to become a better version of themselves. 

Last year was full of uncertainties for everyone. And everyone was a little stressed and bored during the lockdown. As you know in my blogs I always talk about positive things. In the same way I will also tell you today, how much new beginnings matter to us. 

New year is a symbol of a new beginning as well. On this beautiful occasion People spared love and happiness with great enthusiasm. We humans have a craving for love and happiness, and that day we get that and feel happy from inside.

When I was a child I used to exchange gifts and greeting cards among my family and friends. As a child that is my precious memory of a new year. But now things are changing. Greetings turn into text messages. One thing which will never change is the feeling of happiness and positive vibes of new year. 

Whenever past years fall down, the new year will rise. New beginning will arise. New hopes will grow. A new year starts, It happens only once in a year. 

We know that there are so many things that we can't control. But the new year gives us a fair chance to adopt the change in ourselves. Changes which are good for us. 

Change is the law of nature. Everyone should adopt changes in life. They are not bad every time. Good changes always make you. The world around us is changing everyday. If we humans will not adopt these changes we will stay back in time. 

Here I am not saying that try to control outer things, because you don't have any control over the outer world. But you can change yourself. You can start loving yourself. 

Last year I also adopted the same change in myself. I started doing self love. Self love never relies on age numbers. You can start loving yourself at any time of your life. 

When you love yourself. You will get less hurt from the people who belong to the outside world.

In my personal experience, it took a long time for me to accept that I don't need validation from everyone around us.

to find a feeling of peace with not being accepted by others every time. not being appreciated where I deserved to be. For not being loved where I want to be loved by the people around me. Now learn to love every layer of me. This gives me a sense of completeness.

Life is not about chasing people and asking them for love.You don't need approval of others to define what you are. You don't have to deal with the things which are causing your mental peace. Sometimes it's ok to leave something or someone to get better results in life. Sometimes it's also important to our mental health. 

When I was in this learning process, I learnt things that dropped changes in my life. Some Most important things that I learned in back of years were - not to be a part of unhealthy conversations, healing in pain, how to plant your growth in the wetlands areas of life. 

It's not like I feel positive every time and I never feel demotivated. I am also a human like you. I also have feelings, so I also felt these negative feelings from time to time. 

But what makes a difference between now and then is. whenever I feel these feelings I support myself, I motivate myself, I clap for myself, I understand myself, I listen to myself. I don't need others to do these things for myself.

Now I know how to deal with all these negative feelings. Now I know how to back myself. How to uplift myself. Learning helps in this way. 

That's the power of self love. It takes time but trust me you can do it. I believe You will adopt the self love in your life. And if you are already having self love in life here I am clapping for you. I appreciate you. 

I hope this year you will understand the power of self love. I wish this year will completely be yours.

Let go of all the things which are bothering you. You better know what you deserve. There is a thin line which draws the difference between what to let go and what to keep patience with. Make an effort to understand the scenario. 

Some of you might think that there is no beauty in life. But Let me tell you love is one of those things which make this world a beautiful place to live. 

As you can see another year gone now. And we all are welcoming this brand new year with enthusiasm. 

New year is special in many ways. Believe it or not but every new year is a chance of becoming new. Every upcoming year brings new energy, new chances.

A chance to be more accepting. A chance to forgive our sins and another person's too. A chance to forget hurtful things which we made in the past. 

It's also about getting another chance to forget and forgive. To do more, to work more, give more, live more, love more. 

And also to stop worrying about uncertain things, stop worrying about past incidents, stop thinking 'what.. If' and start thinking about 'what… is'. Embrace what you have and what you can do for yourself. 

When we are saying final goodbye to this year. We have to keep remembering the lessons of life, both good and bad steps, our triumphs, our learnings, our promises whether they are broken or fulfilled. 

Now read Why I am saying to Keep remembering them. When you Keep them in your head there are fair chances that you will never make those missteps again. Yes! Don't make the same mistakes twice.

Drop all your sins and sorrows now. And be an Energetic and Fresh person for the upcoming year.

Keep love, happiness and hopes with yourself. Be kind to each other. Be nice to each other. Support each other. Love each other. Not just today but all year long. 

Because New year can be new start for everyone. I hope you read the full article and I am also hoping that you get the best understanding of the article. Wishing you a very happy New year. I hope this year will bring positivity and mental peace for you all. 

Background pic- pixabay

Dear readers, I hope one day you will find the purpose of this article. All the best. 
Lots of love


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