21 self worth affirmations which helps you to know your value

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In this article I wrote about self worth affirmations. Which really goona helps you. Please read it and if you like it so please comment your views on the comment box.

21 self worth affirmations which helps you to know your value 

21 self worth affirmations which helps you to know your value

Self worth, sounds so good. Right? But how many of us are living with it? Also I want to ask how many of us are aware of their self-worth. 

Self worth is the quality of being worthy of esteem and respect. 

Sometimes when you want to make things better for someone, in that process you might end up by hurting yourself. 

Because you were investing your precious time and energy on the wrong one or in a wrong place. 

We invest, we hope. 

If we don't get results as we were hoping. We get disappointed. 
The main culprit is our 'Expectations'. 
Whenever we get this kind of treatment. We usually said, 'now I will never expect anything from anyone' 

But let me ask you, Is this possible ? 
Is it possible to expect nothing from this world or all creatures?

Expeditions are Human nature, humans expect things or moments before they fall. 

Apart from that, humans love to be appreciated, to loved. They feel loved when someone appreciates them, loves them, takes care of them, makes them feel special. 

They also do it for their loved ones too. 
Expectations occur naturally and if the same person for whom we did so much care and love, didn't give us the same love and care and appreciation. We get disappointed.

we asked them for love or begged them to treat us well, we asked them to stay amicable with us. Unfortunately it's not gonna happen because they don't think of them in the same manner as we think of them. 

It's not their fault, we can't force them to love us. They have their own reasons.
That time we lost our self respect. We feel worthless and some of us feel not worthy of good things. 

Why do you beg? Because you don't know your worth. 
You are kind, compassionate, generous. You are a person who is ready to offer these precious virtues to others. You are rare. 

When you have so much to offer, why are you sad and disappointed? Why do you feel unworthy? 

You don't have to be like this. You deserve much better. 

Just keep one thing in mind, you don't need anyone to define your worth. You don't have to believe in everything what others say about you. "What you think about yourself defines you". 

If people think about us nice and positive but if we are not thinking pleasant about ourselves. 

that it is of no use and in other ways if people think bad about us, they say awful things about us but if we know our what we really are, if we know our value. Then others' cold behaviour can not affect us, their opinions can't influence our state of mind. 

We know our identity, our value And if someone doesn't behave that way with us . 

It's not your job to give everything to everyone. 

Your self worth doesn't come from your financial status and how many friends you have. It also doesn't come from what people say about you or what they think about you. It simply comes from you. The only one who gets to decide your worth is you. 
Always choose your dignity. 

Respect and self respect both things compliment each other. You can't get respect without self respect. In order to get respect or become a more valued person Among all you should have to be a man of self-respect. If you will not respect yourself nobody will give you respect. 

What are we doing? We all are creating a definition of respect or being respected. 
We are dependent on others like we are treated in the way as we think, in that case we feel respected.

When we set parameters by ourselves and if things don't go according to our parameters then the problem occurs. 

Our biggest mistake is this, when we think that our worth depends upon outside. 
This 'Self - Worth' word contains 'self' in itself. 

Which means you have to respect yourself first, you have to know your worth first. Then only you can get the feeling of self worth. 

Just stop asking others to respect you, don't set your demands in front of them. Don't beg them for love and kindness. 

Make yourself complete first. Fill yourself with love, respect, kindness and generosity. Don't lose your dignity for anyone.

If you are filled from inside you never need anyone to fill yourself. 
You will become a giver not a taker. You will throw the positive energy of love, kindness, happiness and motivation. 

When a person is filled from inside, no outward energy can fluctuate their state of mind. Even if others don't behave in the right manner, your state of mind will not get worried about that Because you already have what other people are asking from the outside world.
Develop that kind of clarity in thought. 

Now the bigger question Is this. from where this kind of clarity comes. 
The clarity of thoughts will come from positive and motivated affirmations. 
You have to Remind these affirmations daily. 

self worth affirmations -

Using positive and motivated affirmation will help you in your life and will boost your self-worth 
There are 21 self worth affirmations which I am sharing with you. You have to read it everyday and keep it in your mind.
  1. I am valued person
  2. I am peaceful person 
  3. I am complete person
  4. I am beautiful
  5. I believe in myself
  6. I am strong headed person
  7. I am self confident person
  8. I am the source of positive motivation
  9. My life is amazing
  10. My life is blessing
  11. People treat me with respect
  12. People love my energy and behaviour
  13. I can change the world
  14. I treat people with love and kindness
  15. I am grateful for what I have in my life
  16. I know myself better 
  17. I know what I am
  18. I care myself
  19. I love myself
  20. I value the right things or right person
  21. I am becoming a better version of myself with each passing day

I hope these self - worth affirmations will help you to find your value. You have to read it first in the morning. Please bookmark this page for future reference. 

Dear readers I hope one day you will find your purpose of living a happy life. All the best. 
Lots of love

Pic credit - pixabay 
#selfworth #selfworthaffermations 

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