12 amazing things that makes you happy human being

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12 things that makes you happy human being 

Hey readers once again welcome to my blog. In today's blog post we will talk about things that make you happy human being.here I am sharing you twelve things that make you happy human being, So please read whole blog post and comment your feedbacks as well 

12 amazing things that makes you happy human being

In search of happiness you reach miles apart. Sometimes you find it at home and sometimes under the beautiful open sky. 

Things happen, one after another. Events which make us happy remain in our hearts forever and ever. It feels like a momentary attraction. And when moments of joy fall.we usually miss those joyful events that's how craving occurs for happiness. 

When any person, place or thing increases our dopamine level we want to do it again and again. And if anyhow we don't find the same pleasure as we had in the past, unhappiness starts playing its part.

Happiness and unhappiness compliment each other. Without having unhappiness we can't understand the true meaning of happiness. It's a well known phrase.

Then why we are unhappy, gloomy and upset. 

Time flies, it changes no Matter what. From good to bad and bad to good. 

Just happily enjoy the moments you are living with. 

how to do things that make you happy-

Once a wise person says that happiness is an inside job. Let me illustrate that point for you. 

It's inside job means you can create your own happiness, you will create your own happiness for yourself. Nobody will do it for you also you don't need anyone to do it for you. 

It begins with you and makes a direct connection with your inner peace. And your inner self forms your true pleasure. 

There are some points for you. You should keep in your mind. Please give a read these points below.

1- spend time with loved one 

( Spending time with loved ones and family is Cherry on the cake. When festivals come they give us magical vibes because our whole family is together, we make gatherings with friends which gives us happy vibes. Our days are so busy that we don't have enough time to serve with our loved ones but we can try at least half hour ) 

2- Try to stay chill 

( Don't stress too much, try to stay calm and cool. It will make things easy for you. Chill your mood with soft and smooth music and do  what makes you feel good )

3- make a day out

( Making a day out keeps us fresh and if we travel anywhere in the world that provides us so much learning and knowledge which we can learn only while experiencing them. We all need freshness in our life. It saves us and protects us from problems like burn out.) 

4- visit at the calm place

( As I mentioned above, traveling gives us wonderful feelings of learning and knowledge. Visiting any calm place at the time of chaos.when something is not right inside us.that place can fill us with happy and positive vibes. The wind of that calm place feels differently.these things will surely provide you soothing effects.) 

5- enjoy your hobby

( Everyone has at least one hobby which they can enjoy at free time or a time when they feel uneasy. Having a hobby and enjoying it at a time is so beautiful feeling ) 

6- read self help books

( Reading is so beneficial. if you have a habit of reading that could be the soul of your happiness.by reading self help books you learn enough to survive in the world. You are intelligent enough to make things easy.)

7- make a journal

( Making a journal is always helpful.if you have this one in your hand you will be less confused because you have things in mind like what to do and how much to do. How and when to Follow your journal it's totally on you. Nobody is responsible if you seem careless towards it.) 

8- do less screen time 

( Increase your outdoor activities like yoga, jogging, running, walking in a quiet place, visit a park , day out with friends and family, you can also play outdoor games. All in all you have to do those things which makes your screen time lesser ) 

9- care about yourself 

( You care about your loved ones, your friends and family. But when it comes to you, you become lazy. If you care Little bit of yourself that doesn't make you selfish. ) 

10- love yourself

( Love yourself is the best remedy for your disease, these problems like low self-esteem, depression, loneliness occur because you don't love yourself. Either you want to love yourself. You are searching for love in others, dear you it's inside you) 

11- do not compare yourself with others 

( You are unique in your own way, don't need to be like others, just be you. The things you have are meant to you, the things they have are meant to them. There is no point of comparison ) 

12- try to move on if you had any separate relationship

( It's so problematic because it's a Matter of heart. But the good news is this that it's not impossible to live without the person whom we loved more than us or more than anything in the world. Slowly and steadily things become normal like before. Keep your heart safe for the one who truly deserves you, who appreciate your love and efforts.) 

Also read - how to increase your self worth

things that make you happy in life-

It's not difficult to find happiness around yourself.this world is full of wonderful things. We have to find it on little things. 

College your happiness in pieces and make your own solved puzzle. 

No matter how messy it sometimes feels. no matter how problematic things are. There is always a way to make them right. We have to restore them on our own. 

I know whenever you are undergoing these situations these points might seem impossible but trust me sooner or later things will become normal. Slowly slowly you will declutter all the mess inside your head and mind.

Everything will be fine and you will be happy like before, like you used to do.

Every broken thing can be fixed. Remember that

There is beauty in tough phases too.

things that make you happy when depressed-

If you want an answer to this question,you must have a perfect understanding of the question , 'what makes you depressed ?' 

Sometimes things become difficult and seem hard to understand as well. 

Sometimes heartbreak makes it worse. When someone is going through a terrible pain of heartbreak, things become lousy and unpleasant.

One single person plays many roles in our life and it's scary to think to leave that person behind whom we love so hard. 

Even a thought of leaving them is scary. 

If these circumstances occurs Infront of you, don't blame yourself. 

Life has more and more things to offer. You just can't stick at once. 

Also read how to stay positive during hard time


Every ending is a new beginning - 

I don't know how much you will agree with this point but trust me as long as you are alive opportunities are there for you. As long as you are breathing you have a chance to make everything right. 

There is no concept of last chance. As long as you are living.

Be humble to your mistakes and don't get worried too much. Don't measure your mistakes because there is no scale. You have to accept your mistakes and have the courage to correct them.if you don't have enough courage to accept your mistakes you will feel like a victim of circumstances. Give yourself a second chance to live more to grow more.

Ecasty can view in your eyes. Your eyes are Cristal clear image of your heart.anyone can see inside your eyes and can feel your inner self. Happiness meant differently for everyone Send me your answer. What happiness Stan for you

Dear readers I hope you understand the topic discussed above. All the best. 
Lots of love


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